We recommend the following general resources for guidance on refining aspects of macaque care and use, as well as environmental enrichment and welfare assessment.
Guidelines produced by the NC3Rs, last updated in 2017.

Wolfensohn S & Honess P (2005).

McCann C et al. (2007).

Opportunities for implementing the 3Rs in drug development and safety assessment studies using non-human primates. Chapman K et al. (2015).

Refinements in husbandry, care and common procedures for non-human primates Lab. Anim. 43(1) 1-47 Jennings M, Prescott MJ, Eds. (2009).
Vernes MK, Louwerse AL, Eds. (2010).

On the Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals, 8th Edition. Hubrecht RC, Kirkwood J, Eds. (2010).

Prescott MJ, Buchanan-Smith HM, Eds. JAAWS 6(3), (2003).

National Research Council (1998).

Appleby et al. (2011).

Young (2003).

Weiss A, King JE, Murray, L, Eds. (2011).

Coleman K, Schapiro SJ, Eds. (2021).

Bateson M & Martin P (2021).

NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (2005).

Weizmann Institute (2016).

Schapiro (2017).

Peploe et al. (2021).

Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Welfare (2002).

Environmental Enrichment and Refinement of Husbandry for Non-human Primates.